Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blogging Around

I left this comment in Jayne's blog; it primarily discussed her readiness to get out of high school and perceptions of the world around us:
I really enjoyed reading you post. I completely agree with you. This year especially, I've felt very trapped and somewhat isolated from the world around me. We hear a lot on the news about terrible occurrences around the world, but living in this North Shore bubble is kind of like a protective shield. Nothing really effects us here, so worldly events almost don't seem as important (for me anyway). I know that's terrible, but I think it's due to the fact that this is where I have grown up and it's a somewhat inevitable feeling. However, I'd definitely like to care and take part in this world.
I know what you're saying about the high school "status quo." You put some of my thoughts into words here, which was really awesome. I'm seriously ready to get out of high school and just be myself and not pretend to be someone I'm not anymore.
Also, I get what you're saying about people's perceptions of the world around them. I think a lot of people take this place for granted and treat it like dirt. Everyone's mind is so different, and people definitely tend to perceive things in odd ways.

This is the comment I left for Ben K. His blog was on dreamcatchers and the placebo effect they had on him:
I dig your post on dreamcatchers. I am still a firm believer in the dreamcatcher; I have two above my bed and one by my desk, just in case one nightmare somehow escapes from the other two... I know what you're saying, though. Humans will lunge at anything that makes them feel safe.
I used to have pretty bad nightmares as a kid... dinosaurs eating me alive, invading aliens, etc. Then I was introduced to the dreamcatcher, and I of course stuck one in my room. I think it worked. I like to think that all of my would-be nightmares are sucked out of my head while I sleep and magically flow like smoke into the netting of the catcher, getting tangled and forever trapped. I'm probably crazy.

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