Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Metacognition: First Semester in Humanities

First semester seems to have flashed by. However, it feels like it's been a long time since starting the Shadow Catcher and discussing creativity, and in a way, it has been. I think over the course of this semester, my mind has changed significantly. I see new thought processes beginning to emerge that never have before. Sometimes I even catch myself thinking philosophically. Humanities has definitely altered my mind, taught me much, and identified my weaknesses.

After reading many articles, especially
Mihály Csíkszentmihályi's "The Creative Personality, " my eyes were opened to the world of creativity. I thought about all of the mind bending ideas that he had concerning creative people... each person is so complex and different, and it made me excited to learn and think creatively myself.

The Shadow Catcher also made me think in a different way. At times, that book was very confusing. However, in the end, everyone was connected, and it was kind of brilliant. We also discussed how place became a character in that book. I thought that that was a really fascinating concept, and I will remember that in further literature that I come across.

I really disliked Sophie's World. I'd always call it "a philosophy textbook disguised as a cheesy novel." However, I'm sure most people don't feel this way. It just wasn't my style. I noticed how difficult it was for me to retain the philosophical information in the novel. Each philosopher seemed to run together and I could never match them with their philosophies. In addition to my usual annotations, I solved this problem by using Post-Its. By writing everything down, it was easier to remember who was who and who thought what. I'll continue using this method in the future when I'm having trouble with a book. Although much of Sophie's World is a blur, Freud's chapter remains in my mind. Sometimes I use his method in an attempt decipher my dreams, though I'm very bad at it.

We also watched a variety of excellent films in Humanities first semester. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about India's red light district, paper folding, and dance. We also saw some TED talks that I thought were very intriguing. It's amazing how much there is in this world that I am still unaware of. I am happy to have watched these films because my mind definitely enjoyed the intake of various information. Each was so different, yet so pleasing to learn about.

Humanities has definitely made me see that my mind is still a baby. It has also made me realize that the world is a very interesting place and it is full of information totally unknown to me.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Marlee!!!!

    Wow, great blog! So true... I agree with a lot of what you said about the classroom material from this year. I think some of it was alright, but it really took me a while and 'getting into' to enjoy what we were reading. Like Sophie's world for example, I also really didn't like that book, but sometimes I would catch myself reading it and enjoying it, until I remembered how cheesy and unrealistic it was.
    But overall, I have to agree with you that I learned a lot about my mind. I'm happy with humanities first semester; I think it took me this class to understand some things about myself. Overall I'd say it was a very beneficial semester.
    The same thing happened with Shadow Catcher, when Wiggins described her own life and boring art, I wasn't too interested. However, when she told the story of Edward and Clara, that's what really got me. I think Humanities helped me discover what type of reading I just 'get'.
