Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Metacognition: Cleaning out my Closet

As a means of getting organized, I chose to clean out the closet in my bedroom. My closet isn't a walk-in, so it's not huge, but it's not super small either. It's lined with five rows of long white shelves. However, there is a small area for hanging fancy pants clothing that is tucked away in the right corner of the closet. Needless to say, it gets messy after awhile. Clothes get put back too hastily and they fall on top of each other and if I'm not in the mood to fold, well... they just get thrown in. So, here's how I went about it:

At the beginning, I felt a bit overwhelmed because I have a lot of clothes that have gathered in my closet. Instead of tearing everything off all of the shelves at once, I went one shelf at a time, which really eased my bewilderment. Towards the middle of my closet cleaning, I got pretty bored, I was sick of folding, but I knew I still had a lot to do. I decided to play some music, which kept me entertained until I finished. When I placed the last pile of clothing onto the last section of shelf, I felt such great relief. It was as if a weight had been lifted off of me when I completed my closet cleaning.

My mind definitely feels better now that it has completed its task. However, it is somewhat nervous and disappointed because it knows that the perfect closet won't look like that forever. And sooner or later, it'll have to endure the perilous task of folding hundreds of clothes once again.

From organizing my closet, I've learned that I feel happier when I'm organized. I also learned that sometimes organizing is a pain in the butt, but it is definitely helpful in the end. I now know just exactly where everything is, and will no longer have to maul through fifty shirts before finding the one that I'm searching for.

As I worked on this project, I was surprised to learn that I was torn over which way to organize my closet. I always color coordinate my sweatshirts: gray, black, navy blue. However, I tend to group my long sleeves, t-shirts, and tank tops according to style. This time, one part of my mind wanted to color coordinate those, too, while the other preferred the usual way. I was frustrated that I was struggling so much with which way to organize... I wish I could simply make a decision and be done with it. Afterall, was it really so hard to fold some clothes and group them in the way that I saw fit? I am seriously terrible at decision making. However, I was successful when it came to deciding whether to keep or donate certain clothes. I have a rule: If I haven't worn it in a year, I have to get rid of it. A good portion of my closet was emptied this way. I am pleased that my rule has allowed me to make decisions about some things. I guess I'll just have to keep working on everything else.

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