Monday, October 4, 2010

Blogging Around

Becca's intent was to explain her unique writing style; she rarely changes phrases and sentences because she spends time on making them right the first time. Instead of planning out what she writes, she is best at starting her final draft immediately, and making each sentence authentic and valuable on her first try.

This is the comment that I left on Becca W's blog:

Hey Becca!
I just read your metacognition blog entry and I really enjoyed it. I liked reading about your mind... It seems that everyone's mind is so completely different. It's fascinating to see how your brain works in comparison to my own. I like how your writing comes out best the first time that you write it, and that you don't waste time rewriting sentences. I know that when I write, I tend to rewrite a sentence five times before it feels right, and it's utterly time consuming and frustrating. Your writing is authentic and it reflects you as an individual!

Sammy explained that, at first, mindbooks can be very difficult, but once you let your mind wander in a new way, they're actually quite enjoyable and beneficial. She also explained that her mind works visually. She uses aesthetically pleasing methods while taking notes, and this in turn helps her memorize things with ease.

This is the comment that I left on Sammy B's blog:

Hey Sammy,
Your blog post is impressive. I feel like I just learned a lot about you. For instance, I didn't know that you were a visual learner. It's so interesting to learn about how one organizes notes and such compared to someone else. Like you, for example, write notes with many headings using different locations around your paper. However, I tend to write my notes in sloppy lists, using arrows and circles to point out things of importance. It's amusing to see how differently two minds can work.

I liked the way that you went about your mindbook entry... I think a lot of times, when it comes to mindbooks, they come out very differently from what we first expected. It might be because our minds are working so abstractly and using new methods, they get excited and tend to change paths, finding better ways to get our messages across. I appreciate the way your mind functions.

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